Monday, August 30, 2010


As a member of The Tribe myself, I was thrilled to pitch my client to a Jewish publication. Designer Juliet Elizabeth is one of the chosen people as well, so her fun-loving collection of jewelry was the perfect fit for the 'zine.

Pearls with a twist: Baby Pearls in Distressed Indigo, $195

The Mother Load: An Appearance on TODAY

I have worked with TV quite a bit in the recent years, but never have I ever had such a cool experience as to get a client on the Today Show. I may be biased, as I do watch it every morning, but I really love NBC. Working with the producers on the segment was awesome, and to see it come to fruition in the end was such a treat! Check out decadestwo co-owner and fashion expert, Christos Garkinos, as he flirts with Hoda & Kathie Lee and rocks men's Louboutins: